As the title states it was last day in Vienna, Austria, but we all had a few things planned for the day. The day started with nice breakfast once again, which is a good thing because usually I don't eat breakfast. After breakfast we headed to our first visit here in Vienna, and it was to the BAWAG PSK Bank. Once we reached the bank, we took a family photo in front of the bank with our Northwest Flag. After the photo we headed inside the bank to be given a presentation about the history and services of the BAWAG PSK Bank. BAWAG PSK Bank is the Headquaters of all 477 branches that it has, and was opened in 1906. The original BAWAG PSK Bank was started by Francs Joseph 1st in 1883, and Francs Joseph 1st was empreror of Austria for over 68 years. BAWAG PSK Bank closed during WWII, and reopended in 1947. In 2005, there was a merger between BAWAG and PSK, which now is called BAWAB PSK Bank. In 2007, Cerbus Capital Managementbought BAWAG PSK Bank, and is now owned by two americans as one of the representatives mentioned.
An early model of the BAWAG PSK Bank
In 2011 BAWAG PSK Bank provided 68 services for its customers, which is high for a bank because banking is a complex thing for some people to understand. To change that, BAWAG PSK Bank became more efficient by cutting services provided from 68 to 9, and making offering simplier and easier banking options for their customers. Like most banks now, BAWAG PSK Bank's customers are able to bank online, have access to customer care, and ATM's throughout Vienna. An interesting factor about the BAWAG PSK Bank, interest rates are negotiable but start at 0.3%. Also it cost about a 135 euros to start a banking account at BAWAG PSK oppose to no fee in the United States. More interesting facts we leanred about while on this visit was that Austria has the lowest unemployment rate in Europe, and that BAWAG PSK offers its employees 5 weeks of vacation time.
Once our visit was over with the BAWAG PSK representatives, they provided us lunch in their cafeteriahwich consisted of two choices freshly cooked fish, potatoes, and veagtables, and chicken wings and potato wedges. Both meals looked amazing and I am surprised that the BAWAG PSK employees have options like these to choose from. After lunch, most of split up and did our own thing. Some of us went to the river and wake boarding, and others like myself went shopping and went and visited the St. Stephen Cathedral. While shopping I picked up a few souvenirs for my family, and at the Cathedral I took quite a few photos of the inside. I also got a workout in at the Cathedral by walking up 343 steps to get a view of the city. That workout cost me 4 euros, but I would say it was way worth it.
We split up for our last free afternoon in Vienna. Some went shopping, some saw more sites, and some wake boarded on the Donau! Hailey said she had never seen a wake board lake like the one they visited but was interested to see it because of her interest in sports.
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